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League of Angels

League of Angels > Updates

League of Angels Updates v3.0228: Angel Covenant was released


Update time: August 21th
Version number: 3.0228
We will be updating League of Angels to Version v3.0228. All servers will be updated on August 21th. The update will not affect your progress in the game. To enjoy the update, simply refresh the page when the update is complete.

New Feature:
Angel Covenant released in the Angel Panel.

1. 1-Click to hide all icons has been added.
2. 1-Click to upgrade hero to the next level has been added in Drills.
3. You can buy items immediately now by clicking the banner in the shop.
4. Cross-Server War has been changed to 7v7. Queuing time has decreased.
5.Lvl. 80 - Lvl. 90 has been released in Astral.

1.The problem that accelerating harvest in Garden could not provide EXP was fixed.
2.The problem that Lvl. 80 sets were ineffective in Team Arena was fixed.
3. Some translation errors were fixed.